Pulsed lasers from TRUMPF enable short, high-energy pulses at high pulse power. This means that they are very well-suited for cost-effective and low-heat spot welding and seam welding of almost all metallic materials. Pulsed lasers from TRUMPF have been used for welding a wide range of products and workpieces for decades. TRUMPF lasers are also used in micro-materials processing and laser marking. The pulsed lasers stand out through their robustness and modular structure. They have become an indispensable part of industrial manufacturing technology.
Green pulsed light for copper welding
Pulsed peak power in the multi-kilowatt range for spot welding and seam welding
Unrivaled versatility in nanosecond processing
– TRUMPF Laser Community #39/2024
Laser Community #39/2024 Sustainability: With laser tech a more sustainable world Euro 7: Low-abrasion brake disks made easy Displays: Summer, sun, smartphone
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