Vihreällä aallonpituudella kuparia ja muita erittäin heijastavia metalleja voidaan hitsata, paitsi tehokkaasti, myös laadukkaasti ja erinomaisella tuottavuudella, materiaalin pinnan laadusta riippumatta. Vihreä allonpituus elminoi myös hitsaus roiskeet. Vihreä laservalon ansiosta laserhitsauksen laatua ja tunkeuma ovat erittäin luotettavia ja toistettavia. TRUMPF tarjoaa sinulle täydellisen kuparin laserhitsauratkaisun, joka perustana on todistetusti luotettava TruDisk-laserteknologia.
Green lasers are the foundation of high-quality copper welding with minimal spatter.
Green laser light always delivers outstanding results, no matter whether you’re working with a polished, oxidized, or ground surface.
Even with green laser light, you can choose between pulsed and continuous wave lasers, both of which can be tailored to your specific requirements.
Take advantage of stable heat conduction welding and deep penetration welding with constant welding depth.
Durability and robustness are the core features of our TruDisk IR lasers. You can always depend on TruDisk lasers with green wavelengths.
Due to the low heat input in the copper, you benefit from minimal distortion of the components and avoid the surrounding plastic components from deforming.
The green wavelength is absorbed very well in copper: at room temperature the absorption rate is eight times higher than infrared. As a result, using the TruDisk with green wavelength, it is possible to weld copper in a highly stable and practically spatter-free process. This meets the toughest quality requirements for both the weld seam and the welded component itself.
When it comes to robustness, reliability, and industrial suitability, put your trust in the TRUMPF TruDisk lasers. Green wavelength TruDisk lasers use the same pump modules as TruDisk IR lasers. Therefore, you can rely on constant laser power over the entire service life. TRUMPF can also offer you a complete package consisting of the laser, laser light cable, focusing optics and sensor systems – developed and tested for the green wavelength.
Käsikäyttöisissä laserlaitteissa on suuri riski lasersäteen tahattomaan heijastumiseen. Siksi niiden käyttäjien ja ympäristön laser-suojaus on erittäin tärkeää. Laser voi aiheuttaa…
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