TruPulse-sarjan pitkään testatut pulssilaserit suurenergiset laserpulssit. Usean kilowatin pulssiteho muutaman millisekunnin ajan tarkoittaa, että pistehitsaus ja saumahitsaus onnistuvat myös sovelluksissa, joissa muut menetelmät epäonnistuvat. Erityisesti lämpöherkät sovellukset hyötyvät pulssi-laserien eduista. Modulaarisen rakenteensa ansiosta laserit voidaan mukauttaa sovelluksen vaatimuksiin. TruPulse-sarjaa on optimoitu teknisesti vuosikymmenien ajan, mikä tekee järjestelmästä erittäin luotettavan.
Individually adaptable lasers due to the broad product portfolio and the modular layout of the TruPulse
With our real-time laser power control, the exact power you select is the power at the workpiece.
The laser compares the pulse shape you have chosen with the actual pulse shape in a 10 μs cycle.
The WeldAssist option provides suggested values for all of the process parameters depending on the material and welding depth.
Due to its integrated beam guidance, the TruPulse can be perfectly adapted to your application. With up to six pluggable laser outlets and a flexibly configurable beam distribution, the laser beam can be split, switched over, disabled, and measured. In this way, it is possible to use the solid-state laser at one or more processing stations, with a time or energy split. This enables multiple welding processes to be performed at the same time or with a time delay.
In terms of power, energy, or focusability the TruPulse series covers the full spectrum of parameters for laser precision welding. The pulse form and energy can be optimized accurately for your application and used with flexibility during operation. With a maximum pulse power of up to 10 kW, pulse durations ranging from 0.2 to 50 ms, and pulse energies of up to 120 J, the TruPulse lasers are perfect for many applications.
The pulse energy and average power normally limit the pulse frequency of a laser. The burst function enables the frequency and the average power to be significantly increased for a short period at the same pulse energy level. You can therefore minimize the welding time per processing cycle and increase your productivity.
Käsikäyttöisissä laserlaitteissa on suuri riski lasersäteen tahattomaan heijastumiseen. Siksi niiden käyttäjien ja ympäristön laser-suojaus on erittäin tärkeää. Laser voi aiheuttaa…
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