PFO ohjelmoitava skannerioptiikka soveltuu erityisesti etälaserhitsaukseen
Pyydä tarjousPFO ohjelmoitavat skannerioptiikka soveltuvat etälaserhitsaukseen ja etälaserleikkaukseen. Käyttämällä uusinta tekniikkaa, digitaalisesti ohjattuja servoja ja peilejä, lasersäde voidaan ohjata mihin tahansa määriteltyyn paikkaan työskentelyalueella tai -tilassa ja ohjata minkä tahansa sauman geometrian mukana. PFONn avulla laserhitsaus tapahtuu siirtämättä työkappaletta tai tarkennusoptiikkaa. Prosessin luotettavuutta ja laatua voidaan seurata valinnaisilla älykkäillä anturiratkaisuilla. Etälaserhitsaus voidaan toteuttaa myös lennossa teollisuus robottin liikkuessa. Robotin liike, sekä laser ja PFO:n peilien liike synkronoidaan jolloin hitsausgeometriat sijoittuvat tarkasti oikeisiin paikkoihin reaaliajassa.
The PFO 1D programmable focusing optics combine the best of both worlds: the robustness of industry-proven TRUMPF fixed optics and the scanner functionality of programmable focusing optics (PFO). The individually adjustable 1D wobbling movement of the laser beam means you benefit from utmost weld seam quality, both during heat conduction welding as well as during deep welding applications.
Laser: TruDisk
Max. laser power: 8 kW
The PFO 14 and 20-2 s are ideally suited for spot welding or path welding where high speeds are required. The 2D scanners function according to the pre-objective scanning principle. This allows them to reach all points in the scanner’s processing space with high dynamics and consistent beam quality, at a near-constant working distance.
Lasers: TruDisk, TruDiode, TruFiber, TruMicro
Max. laser power: 2000 W
Use PFO 33-2 programmable focusing optics for spot welding or path welding with high demands on repositioning times. The 2D scanner works according to the pre-objective scanning principle as well. This means that you can reach all points in the scanner’s processing space with high dynamics and consistent beam quality, at a near-constant working distance. You also benefit from easy focusing lens replacement, due to the fact that calibration data is saved in a storage device on the focusing lens. Optionally, these optics are also available with TRUMPF VisionLine image processing.
Lasers: TruDisk, TruMicro
Max. laser power: 8 kW
The PFO 3D-2 programmable focusing optics constitute a 3D scanner which is also based on the pre-objective scanning principle. This allows all points in the scanner’s processing space to be reached with high dynamics and consistent beam quality, at a variable working distance. All NC programs are saved locally in the PFO, which also allows for operation without a PC. Optionally, the 3D scanner is also available with TRUMPF TruTops I-PFO offline simulation software, seam tracking with SeamLine Remote triangulation, and the CalibrationLine calibration tool.
Laser: TruDisk
Max. laser power: 8 kW (cw)
The intelligent PFO (I-PFO) recognizes its own position in the work area of the robot and the position and orientation of the processing points. Based on information on the current robot movement, the I-PFO independently starts processing as soon as it is possible in terms of geometry and process technology. Remote processing ”on-the-fly” is thereby possible, which greatly reduces both the positioning time of the robot and the cycle times in your production operations.
Käsikäyttöisissä laserlaitteissa on suuri riski lasersäteen tahattomaan heijastumiseen. Siksi niiden käyttäjien ja ympäristön laser-suojaus on erittäin tärkeää. Laser voi aiheuttaa…
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